Veraliza ' Veraliza, Zulfan Saam, Thamrin ' Thamrin


This research based on sustainability management of lubuk larangan by community
Pangkalan Indarung Village. The purpose of this study was to analyze the management
process from planning, organizing, implementing and controlling of lubuk larangan by
community Pangkalan Indarung Village and determine the factors that affect the
sustainability of the management lubuk larangan by community Pangkalan Indarung
Village District Kuantan Singingi. This research method is qualitative method with a
descriptive explorative approach. The method used in this research is descriptive
exploratory qualitative approach that describes the process of sustainable local
wisdom management of lubuk larangan. It also examines the factors that affect the
sustainability of local wisdom management lubuk larangan by community Pangkalan
Indarung Village District Kuantan Singingi. The results of research showed that the
community Pangkalan Indarung Village been successfully managing lubuk larangan
sustainable management process that includes planning related to setting goals,
strategies and development of management activities; related institutional aspects of
traditional institutional and organizational aspects of customs, duties and functions of
the organization and coordination of organizational structure; implementation of the
related fish harvest event of lubuk larangan; and supervisory violations related to the
prevention of customs agreements and illegal fishing. Sustainability management of
lubuk larangan by community Pangkalan Indarung Village influenced by several
factors, among other ecological factors related to ecological conditions lubuk larangan
conformity with local fish habitat; socio economic factors associated lubuk latangan as
a source for the construction of public facilities; Socio cultural factors related lubukarangan recognition as a right ulayat desa and adaptation of social capital in
management system of lubuk larangan; and factors related to the role of government to
the granting of legal and technical guidance on the conservation of river resources.


Management; Local wisdom; Imbo laghangan.

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