Anggi Pramana, Agrina Agrina, Ridwan Manda Putra


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of ecological, economic and social factors simultaneously and partially on the solid medical waste management of public health service in Pekanbaru by observation. These are the main variables that need to be considered in the management of solid medical waste. The study concludes that ecological, economic and social factors simultaneously influence the solid medical waste management of in public health service in Pekanbaru City. The influence of ecological, economic and social variables on the management of solid medical waste is 96.3% while the remaining 3.7% is influenced by other variables not included in this research model. The study concluded that the economic factor had the greatest effect on the solid medical waste management at public health service in Pekanbaru City. This proves that the budget is the main limiting factor in waste management. This study concludes that the condition of ecological, economic and social factors in public health service is not optimal so that the solid medical waste management was not in accordance with established standards


Ecological, Economic, Social, Solid Medical Waste Management

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