Winda Parlin, Rasoel Hamidy


Tuberculosis (TBC) is a disease caused by Microbacterium Tuberculosis bacteria. TBC is an environmentally based disease, which is transmitted through the air (Airborne Disease). There are 1.5 milion deaths were recorded in 2018 as the result of this disease. Islamic Boarding School is a place of high risk TBC transmission. It’s closed area and densely population has potential to cause an outbreak of TBC. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical environment conditions of Islamic Boarding School in Pekanbaru related to the risk of TBC transmission. Type of this research is descriptive quantitative. Amount of population are 147 student’s dormitory room on Islamic Boarding School in Pekanbaru City with 44 sample size. Sample was taken by using disproportioned Stratified Random Sampling Technique. Descriptive Statistic Analysis was held to reach the purposed. Instrument that used are questionnaire, observational checklist sheets and 4 in 1 environmental level meter. There were student’s room that been at risk of transmitting TBC disease as the result. Environmental risk factors that found were temperature (40,9%), lighting (31,8%), humidity (29,5%), ventilation (56,8%), floor conditions (18,2%), wall conditions (25%), smoke exposure (11,4%), sanitation (70,5%), and population density (86,4%). Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that the dormitory room of Islamic Boarding School in Pekanbaru City has a risk of TBC transmission. Suggestions given in this study are to conduct guidance and advocacy to the leadership of the Islamic Boarding School in order to eliminating of physical environmental TBC risk factor.



Tuberculosis Risk Factors; Physical Environment; Islamic Boarding School; Pekanbaru City.

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