Indawati ' Indawati, Thamrin ' Thamrin, Zainal Abidin


This research was conducted on March to August 2012, at Public Health Center of Siak
Hulu II Kampar regency. This study generally aims to evaluate the program of the
environmental health at Public health center of Siak Hulu II Kampar regency in 2012,
while the specific objectives are to evaluate the program landfills and waste and
evaluate vector control programs in Public health center of Siak Hulu II Kampar
regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. Analysis of the data
using content analysis to obtain in-depth information from informants about landfills
and waste and vector control to be made by noting the matrix and analysis manually.
The results of program activities of landfills and waste at Public Health Center was
not performing well and was not achieving the target set, where the environmental
health officers only surveyed garbage and waste in communities residential, while
monitoring of garbage and waste in another place there has never been carried out
supervision and follow-up. In monitoring garbage and waste, due to limited
environmental health officer and far distance of coverage areas, health officers
supervise in line with the counting of numbers of the free larva, while the results of the
Vector Control Program for vector causing dengue fever can be accomplished in
accordance with procedures established by the Department of Health, but there are
obstacles to doing fogging because Public health center firstly have to collect case of
Epidemiology investigation (PE) for a month and then report to the regency Health
Office to conduct fogging while for vector types causes other diseases that are not
control ever only if there is a problem in the society so Public community health center
will cooperate with existing cross sector of health center working area and doing
outreach to the community


Evaluation; Environmental; Health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.8.2.p.171-179


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