Zulkanedi Zulkanedi, Usman Tang, Deni Efizon


The industrialization of fisheries in Riau Province is quite developing, especially the cultivation and processing of catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus) especially Patin Village is Koto Mesjid Village, XIII Kampar District, Kampar Regency is a resettled citizen of Pulau Gadang Village. They originally inhabited watersheds, had to move to hilly areas because their village was in a pool of Koto Panjang hydropower reservoirs. The nickname of Patin village with the motto "No Home Without Fish Ponds", because 85% of the community has a business of catfish ponds with a production of 15 tons per day, the number of ponds 776 with a total area of 62 ha in 2018. Activities of Fisheries Processing Center can potentially produce material the rest of the processing of catfish (waste) is around 15.24 - 45.72 tons per month or 182.88 - 548 tons a year. If not managed properly, this fishery product processing business will not be sustainable. For this reason, a Fish Processing Center Management Strategy is needed that is able to make the fish processing center sustainable as an effort to improve the economy, social and ecology.The method in this study is a survey with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and study of literature and secondary data collection. The SWOT analysis is used to formulate a management strategy plan at the Freshwater Fishery Product Processing Center, Koto Mesjid Village, XIII Koto Kampar, Kampar Regency. Based on survey data conducted at the PHP Center of Koto Mesjid Village District XIII Koto Kampar known for processing catfish salads, the main raw material needed is fresh catfish with an average size of 0.20-0.25 kg per head (5-6 tails / kg), while for processing meatballs, nuggets, shredded, catfish headscarves are needed fresh catfish with an average size of 0.5 to 0.8 kg per head. The price of fresh catfish in Koto Masjid Village is currently Rp. 14,500 / Kg. Respondent processing group in this study did the processing of smoked catfish at least 3-4 times a week, while processing meatballs, nuggets, shredded, catfish hoods on average 1-2 times a week depending on demand / order. For processing catfish salai, the average fresh catfish needed for one production is 1000 - 2000 kg. The amount of fresh catfish needs for the business of salai fish processing, meatball processing, nuggets, shredded, catfish headscapes at the Freshwater Fishery Product Processing Center of Koto Mesjid Village every month is 363,807.3 kg (363.8 tons) or 11, 9 tons per day. The total production of processing catfish into salai fish, meatballs, nuggets, shredded, catfish headscarves every year at the Freshwater Fisheries Product Processing Center of Koto Mesjid Village is 1,452,765.96 kg / year, or 121,063.83 kg / month consisting of production Catfish salai is 1,445,376 kg / year or 120,448 kg / month and processed meatballs, nuggets, shredded, catfish headscarves are 7,389.96 kg / year.The existence of the Center for Freshwater Fisheries Product Processing at Koto Mesjid Village in Kampar Regency has had a positive economic, social and cultural impact on the community. But with the passage of fish processing activities at the Freshwater Fisheries Product Processing Center, Koto Mesjid Village also has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. From the activities carried out in fish processing at the Fish Processing Center of Koto Mesjid Village, leaving liquid waste, solid waste and smoke around the area. SWOT Strategies for Management in the development of Fishery Product Processing Centers in Koto Mesjid Village XIII Subdistrict Koto Kampar are formulated in the form of programs / activities, namely (1) Optimization of catfish raw material (2) Use of clean and hygienic technology (3) Increasing the capacity of HR Center managers PHP Koto Mosque (4) Improvement of environmental management facilities and infrastructure.


Management Strategy of Fishery Product Processing Centers in Koto Mesjid Village; Optimization of Fish raw materials

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