Endang Agus Damanhuri, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Elfizar Elfizar


Water quality management is very important to do, because water is an inseparable part of everyday human life. Monitoring water quality is a way to maintain the quality of waters, especially rivers. River quality monitoring that is usually done requires a lot of equipment, effort and expertise so that its application becomes expensive and complicated. Technology that is growing rapidly nowadays puts forward artificial intelligence as the backbone of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which promises many conveniences for industry and government. One of artificial intelligence technology is machine learning with Artificial Neural Network algorithm which is commonly used to predict or forecast a future value. This artificial neural network can be used to help monitor river water quality. The objective of this research to develop Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model to predict the paramater of river quality (DO, pH, turbidity, temperature, water flow, conductivity) in the Subayang River, Kampar Regency, using software Rapidminer. The performance of the ANN models was evaluated using root mean squared error (RMSE) and correlation squared (R2) as a second comparison, then the results of the testing implementation are compared with direct measurements in the field. With the RMSE values obtained in the test results of each parameter DO = 1.613, pH = 0.098, turbidity = 4.730, temperature = 0.493, water flow = 0.121 and conductivity = 0.909. The lower the RMSE level, the closer it is to Artificial Neural Network accuracy for value prediction.



Artificial Neural Network, water quality prediction; Sungai Subayang; Artificial Intelligence

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