Yeli Hartuti, Efriyeldi Efriyeldi, Maria Erna


Air pollution gives a negative impact to human health due to pollutants released by motor vehicles. From the several kinds of pollutants generated, CO is one of the most pollutants released by motor vehicles. Lead can contaminate the environment and can poisoning the living organisms. Lead can cause various disorders to the body and also organs such as hematopoietic system, neurological, endocrine, renal, gastrointestinal, hematological, and reproduction. This study aims to analyze the comparison of the levels of lead (Pb) in fried foods sold on Jalan Sam Ratulangi with fried foods sold on the edge of Jalan Purwodadi, Pekanbaru City. This research is descriptive quantitative. Samples in the form of bakwan which were taken by one trader by using a total sampling of 6 samples. The sample will then be examined quantitatively to determine the level of lead in the sample using the atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The results of the lead level examination will then be compared with the maximum limit of metal contamination according to the standards set by the Directorate General of Drug and Food Control No. Year 2009 to find out whether the fried foods sold in that location meet the Threshold Value (NAB), and compared using the SPSS t test. The results of the research after analysis using the t test, it is known that the p value is 0.216 when compared with a= 0.05, then p>a, so there is no significant difference between the fried foods sold on Jalan Sam Ratulangi and Purwodadi, Pekanbaru City, all samples exceed The threshold value set by the Regulation of the Director General of Drug and Food Control Number HK. of 2009 is 0.25 mg/kg.


Motorized Vehicles, Fried Food, Lead (Pb)

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