Teddy Irawan, Bintal Amin, Sofia Anita


The increasing need for fuel derived from petroleum is also in line with the increased exploration and production activities of petroleum. Besides producing crude oil products, this activity also produces petroleum waste. This waste will pollute the soil which will have an impact on environmental damage, disruption of human health and other living things. Therefore according to Veegha (2008), an efficient and environmentally friendly method for treating petroleum waste is needed. One of the waste treatment methods is using phytoremediation method. Phytoremediation is defined as a technology for cleaning, removing or reducing harmful pollutants, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and toxic organic compounds in soil or water using the help of plants. This research was conducted for three months from September to November 2019 at the open nursery of PT. CPI with paranet shade 60%. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of bahia grass (P. notatum) in degrading Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) in petroleum-contaminated soils in the Rokan Block PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia and analyze the socio-economic impact of phytoremediation on local communities. The results showed that the effectiveness of Bahia (P. notatum) grass proved effective in reducing the concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) in petroleum-contaminated soils in the Rokan Block operating area of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The percentage of effectiveness shows a decrease in value of up to 58.38%. The socio-economic impact of phytoremediation on local communities has a positive impact with the planned phytoremediation activities using bahia grass with the community as work agents for planting the grass.


Phytoremediation; Petroleum Waste; Bahia Grass; Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon.

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