Dede Surya Atmaja, Sodikin Sodikin, Syairul Bahar


For the purpose is to describe the distribution and comparison of land surface temperatures in the district of Bogor city. The method is used the Landsat 8 OLI-TIRS image data acquired on May 11, 2021. The images were processed and extracted using Quantum GIS geographic information system software to produce Land Surface Temperature (LST) maps. The results showed that the Bogor City was dominated by class VIII (>32°C) surface temperature, which was 3,358 ha or equivalent to 29.92% of the area of Bogor City, while Bogor Regency was dominated by class I (<26°C) surface temperature, which was 76,238 ha, equivalent to 25.57% of the area of Bogor Regency.



Land Surface Temperature; Urban Heat Island; Bogor;

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