Kusuma Lelana Ari Lestari, Subekti Nurmawati, Sodikin Sodikin


Sesayap River is currently included in the moderately polluted category, one of which is due to the presence of Fecal coliform which exceeds the threshold of class II water quality standards. The use of polluted Sesayap River water for various purposes can be harmful to health, so a study is needed to analyze the factors correlated to the high fecal coliform bacteria. The sampling point was conducted at locations around the intake of PDAM Tidung Pala, namely in Tideng Pale and Tideng Pale Timur Villages. The results showed that the high Fecal coliform bacteria was correlated to the poorly managed waste on the banks of the Sesayap River. There were 16 types of businesses and/or activities found at the study site. Waste from households contributed the most to the generation of Fecal coliform bacteria in the Sesayap River. Other sources that cause high Fecal coliform bacteria originated from waste from food stalls, markets, poultry slaughterhouses, fishmongers, grocery stalls and inns.


Sungai Sesayap, Fecal coliform, Limbah.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.17.1.p.93-104


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