Salsabila Syafitri, Belli Nasution, Muhammad Firdaus


The availability of used cooking oil is very large and its management is often

The availability of used cooking oil is very large and its management is often neglected. Due to different household economic situations, excessive use of cooking oil is harmful to health. In contrast, the remaining used cooking oil is directly discharged into the environment without going through pre-processing which can pollute the environment, both water and soil as waste. Therefore, innovation is needed in environmental management that involves community participation through intensive education and outreach to the community. The purpose of this research is to understand the process of innovation diffusion of the bank jelantah program and to understand the pattern of environmental communication in the process of innovation diffusion of the bank jelantah program. The research method used qualitative descriptive. The results of this study show that the innovation process of the waste bank program innovation that has been carried out by PT.MBio-Energi Pekanbaru in the form of innovation in processing waste cooking oil into biodiesel is a good way to invite and shape people's perceptions about the environment, in which this program focuses on managing waste that requires special handling, namely used cooking oil waste through a collective collection system. In addition, this innovation can overcome the problem of pollution to the environment. The activities of the jelantah bank program have been running for approximately four years since 2018 and embrace every level of society, both from the household environment, to culinary entrepreneurs.


Diffusion Of Innovation; Used Cooking Oil; Jelantah Bank;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.17.2.p.215-223


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