Arintika Widhayanti, Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, Tjahyo Nugroho Adji


The high tourist visits increase the waste pollution at Air Manis Beach, Padang City. The study aimed to examine the waste condition because of tourism activities, examine the level of marine litter from tourism activities, to examine the level of public perception of waste management from tourism activities, and formulate the strategies for handling waste problems at Air Manis Beach Padang City. The methods in this study were observation and survey. The waste condition at Air Manis Beach based on weight, composition, and density were divided into three research stations with the highest score from station 3, namely weight of 46.804 gr/m2, the organic waste density of 0.458 items/m2, the inorganic waste density of 0.857 item/m2, the composition of organic waste was 84.10%, and the composition of inorganic waste was 15.90%. The level of waste pollution in station 3 was in category D (objectionable). The level of public perception at Air Manis Beach was in the high category (≥ 56), and the waste management strategies at Air Manis Beach were the involvement of the tourism communities in collecting and sorting waste, reducing and handling waste by the 3R principles, giving a penalty to wasters, and collecting fees for sellers.


Waste Pollution; Tourism Activities; Air Manis Beach; Environmental Management;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.17.2.p.119-131


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