Wienda Lestari Br. Gurusinga, Ridwan Manda Putra, Defri Yoza


This study aims to determine the level of sustainability of Sungai Pulai Protected Forest management and to formulate a sustainable management strategy for the Sungai Pulai Protected Forest. This research is expected to be taken into consideration by the government and stakeholders in formulating policies for the management of the Sungai Pulai Protected Forest. Data collection methods in this study consisted of field surveys, interviews, and literature studies. The data analysis technique consists of descriptive analysis and MDS analysis with Rapforest software. The results showed that the multidimensional level of sustainability in the management of the Sungai Pulai Protection Forest was included in the less sustainable category (37.59%). If viewed from the level of sustainability of each dimension, the results show that the ecological dimension and institutional law are quite sustainable, the socio-cultural dimension is less sustainable, and the economic dimension is not sustainable. Sustainability strategies for the management of the Sungai Pulai Protection Forest to increase the value of sustainability can be carried out by: (1) Increasing the income of the community around the HLSP through cultivation products, non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and agro-tourism, (2) Inventory and protection of rare flora and fauna species, (3) Management, protection and restoration of HLSP ecological conditions, (4) Counseling, supervision and law enforcement, (5) Formation of communication forums between stakeholders, and (6) Empowerment and education of communities around the forest


Sungai Pulai Protected Forest; MDS; Forest Sustainable Management; Bintan Island;

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