Fajar Perdana Rizki, Endang Hermawan, Agus Susanto


This study aims to analyze the potential for carbon sequestration of environmental services, the economic value of carbon sequestration of environmental services, and changes in the potential economic value of carbon sequestration of environmental services in National Parks since their designation as National Parks in 2014 through 2021. Research locations were conducted in the area of Tesso Nilo National Park using the descriptive method with interpretation analysis techniques and analysis of land cover maps from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2014 and 2021. Accuracy tests were carried out using the Kappa analysis method with reference to the 2014 SPOT-7 image and the 2021 Sentinel 2 image data, with accuracy results of 94.3% and 93.3%, respectively. From the analysis of the land cover of Tesso Nilo National Park, from 2014 to 2021, there was a loss of carbon stock of 132,282.80 tons C. Meanwhile, based on the analysis of deforestation, the Tesso Nilo National Park area experienced a loss of carbon stock of 1,250,306.40 tons C, which resulted in the economic potential for carbon sequestration of environmental services in Tesso Nilo National Park experiencing a reduction of USD 661,414 to USD 1,322,828 or IDR 10.366.341.6227 to IDR 20.732.683.244. Carbon absorbers for the environment can cost anywhere from USD 6,251,532 to USD 12,503,064 or IDR 97,980,261,036 to IDR 195,960,522,072.00. (IDR. 15,673,- per USD 1,- exchange rate as of Nov. 1, 2022). 


National Park, Tesso Nilo, Economic Value; Environmental Services; Carbon;

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