Dani Ramdani, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain


This study aims to analyze the landchange of land use/ Land cover in Pangkalan Kerinci Subdistrict Surroundings and to make prediction model in 2039. This study uses analytical quantitative research with a correlational approach method. Land is a natural resource from the outer surface of the earth that supports life. Many factors affect land use changes, including social factors such as population and distance from settlements, economic factors such as distance from business activities and biophysical factors such as soil type, elevation, slope, rainfall and distance from rivers. This land use change is an aspect that is widely studied for the study of regional spatial planning (RTRW), The main objective of this study is to predic landcover/ land use in 2039 using Sistem Information Geografis and Cellural Automata-Markov modeling with the following details : (1) analyzing land cover/land use changes, (2) analyze the driving factors of changes, (3) Build a model prediction of landcover/ land use change in 2039, (4) Compile directives for land cover/ land use control.


CA-Markov; GIS; RTRW; Land use/cover change;

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