Arfitri Yana, Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini, Trisla Warningsih


Forest is the most dominant area in composing the role of environmental services. One of the environmental services of forests is carbon absorption services. Forests play an important role in climate change, namely as carbon sinks and carbon storage (stock). Nature Tourism Park is one of the ecosystems that becomes CO2 storage and absorbent. The study was conducted for 1 (one) month in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. This study aims to determine the potential of environmental services to absorb carbon, the economic value of environmental services to absorb carbon, and how the role of the government and society in the management of Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. The research method used in this study is a field survey method that measures tree diameters and determines tree species to determine carbon potential, the benefit transfer method to calculate the economic value of carbon absorption  and indepht interviews to determine the role of government and society in environmental management in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. The results showed that the potential of environmental services to absorb carbon  aboveground level in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park was 358,919 tons / ha or 345,757,150 tons when extrapolated to the total breadth of Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. Furthermore, the results of the calculation using the benefit transfer method of the economic  value of carbon absorbing services  in the  Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park are Rp. 69,696,398,680, -. For the role of the government and the Society, the respondents consisted of the Head of the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park, the Head of Buluh Cina Village, Ninik Mamak and the Buluh Cina Village Society.The role of government and society cannot be separated from one another. The government and the society together maintain, protect and manage the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park in order to achieve environmental sustainability.


Benefit Transfer; Bulu Cina; Carbon Value.

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