Ismail Wellid, Muhammad Reza Fachriansyah, Markus Markus, Nani Yuningsih, Kasni Sumeru


Padalarang has been known as a limestone mining. In limestone processing, in addition to produce significant air pollution at the process location, also to the the surrounding areas. The purpose of the study was to measure particulate concentration of PM10 and its effect on health of the people living in Padalarang and surroudings. Data collection of PM10 concentration was collected using a particle counter (HTI-9600) and carried out at distance of 1 to 4 km to the east of Padalarang, for 5 days and 12 hours/day, from 07.00 to 19.00 local time. The results showed that the highest concentrations of PM10 in the center of limestone processing was 212 µg/m3, much higher than standards, that is 150 µg/m3. The results also showed that a relatively safe distance for human health due to air pollution is more than 2 km from the center of the limestone industry. The high air pollution caused by the limestone industry is highly correlated with the number of acute respitatory infection (ARI) cases in Padalarang, which is an average of more than 4000 cases/year for three years, from 2019 to 2021. It is much higher than cases of ARI in the adjacent sub-disctric, which is less than 1500 cases/year.


PM10, Limestone Industry, Acute Respiratory Infection

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.17.1.p.11-20


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