Ruri Anggara Akhirullah, Agus Susanto, Lieza Corsita


Industrial growth is currently increasing rapidly and has implications for environmental conditions. PT. BCCI is a company that produces waste that can pollute the environment, where the COD content is around 4836 Mg/L and the pH is around 8.69. The purpose of this study was to analyze environmental quality based on monitoring the quality of effluent wastewater at PT. BASF Care Chemicals Indonesia (PT. BCCI). The method used in this research is quantitative, where the results of testing the quality parameters of effluent wastewater are compared with the quality standard values required by the Government. The parameters analyzed are pH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite and Chemicals Oxygen Demand (COD). The results of the analysis show that all the values of the quality parameters of the effluent wastewater are below the required quality standard values, so that the conditions of the effluent wastewater at PT. BCCI is in good shape. The analysis of the effectiveness of implementing ISO 14001:2015 uses GEMI. Environmental performance analysis based on wastewater quality compared to regulations. Correlation analysis between the implementation of ISO 14001:2015 and environmental performance is carried out using multiple correlation tests. The results of the environmental performance went well under the quality standard and the correlation test showed no correlation between ISO 14001:2015.


Environmental Quality, Wastewater quality, PT. BCCI

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