Erwin Dwi Meriana, Sodikin Sodikin, Endang Hernawan


Menjelutung Village is one of the villages in Sesayap Hilir District, Tana Tidung Regency, where Menjelutung Village has abundant natural resource potential in both the mining and plantation sectors, coal mining and palm oil processing activities are concentrated in Menjelutung Village, in its activities it produces SO2 and NO2 which is a composite parameter to measure the air quality index. Increasing concentrations of SO2 and NO2 have an effect on decreasing air quality at sample points in industrial areas. Exposure to SO2 and NO2 in humans will affect the health aspects of people exposed to ARI. Most of the exposed population are coal mining and palm oil processing workers. based on the recapitulation of questionnaires to 275 respondents who suffer from health problems (ARI disease) as much as 65.45%, and 34.54% of the population are in good health. Furthermore, based on the results of simple linear regression analysis, it is known that the coefficient obtained is a significance value of 0.036 <0.05, so it is concluded that the air quality index variable (X) affects the health aspect (the number of people affected by ARI (Y) with an X regression coefficient of -2.575 which stated that every additional 1% reduction in air quality (x), will have a negative impact on increasing the number of people suffering from ISPA by -2,575 efforts to control pollutants by revegetation can produce carbon which can reduce pollutants, besides that tall plants can function as a buffer zone so that pollutants did not reach the location of community settlements


Air Quality Index, Acute Respiratory Infection

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jil.17.1.p.56-66


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